here it is, can you believe it?

Hi Pete and Brit….(and whomever else in blog land)

I have had a horrible month, thank you to you guys for saying something..and thanks Pete for your words of encouragement, I really needed them and continue to be inspired by your determination.

I just stopped caring, and thats the truth. I gained back all that I had lost and noticed myself feeling more and more depressed from all the junk that I was putting in my body.

I sometimes would love to get some sort of professional help about it and why I do it. My lack of self discipline is at the top of my known reasons. If I had the money I would do Jenny Craig just for the one on one, thats what I loved about Pure Weight LOss and why I did so good I think..the accountability. I have just been struggling…and I frustrate myself.

I have been back on track this week, trying to stick to my whole wheats and fruits and veggies, I already am back down two pounds but this can not be how I live life…up down up down….my gramma did it all her life and ended up with major health problems. Granted her weightloss and gain was in way bigger amounts, but still.

Daniel and I watched Super Size Me last night. I had seen it before but its a good reminder of what bad food can do to your It is in on if you want to see it yourself. Very eye opening.

So here i am to try again..praying the Lord will change me and do it for the long haul. It is an addiction that is hard to break, thats what I am realizing.

One response to “here it is, can you believe it?

  1. Great to have ya back – one day at a time… (Honestly I’m soundin more and more like my father-in-law – a recovering alcoholic of 20 years)

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